About Me

Who I Am

I have spent my entire career asking questions and building genuine connections with people. I get that from my Mom, the most curious person I know. I began my career as a litigation attorney, representing everyone from police officers to Fortune 100 companies. After feeling stuck for some time, I asked myself, “Is this really what I want to do with my life?” Spoiler alert, it wasn’t. So I went back to school at Northwestern and got a Master’s in Learning and Organizational Change.

It was at Northwestern that I began to do some coaching for the next generation of leaders. It was then my two passions emerged: coaching new leaders and helping teams work more effectively together.

While I was working as a consultant for a Fortune 100 company, COVID happened, and we went from in-office to entirely virtual. I had to learn to build connections with others in an entirely virtual environment. It was difficult. but I built some of my most lasting relationships with colleagues I never met in person.

While giving a guest lecture at an undergraduate class at Northwestern, I noticed how much COVID had affected new graduates preparation for the workforce. Many had not had the luxury of internships or summer jobs, where they could make mistakes and learn from them.

I started my own business for two reasons: 1) to help new leaders land and excel at the job they want and 2) to facilitate valuable and necessary conversations for teams to be at their best.

I like to call my approach “pragmatic empathy,” because I try to help my clients be their authentic best-self while also being star employees. I push teams to have the discussions they need to have in order to gain clarity on their purpose and the best path forward to achieve their goals.

Help Me Help You

Setup time with me to learn more about you and your team.

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